




Welcome to Reach Secondary School’s Parents Page, where you can find useful information and resources to support your child’s education. Whether you’re considering our school or have a child currently attending, this section is dedicated to providing you with clear and detailed information.

Reporting to Parents

  • Parents Evening: Reach Secondary School holds two parents’ evenings each academic year. In the autumn term, it’s an opportunity to check on how your child is settling into the new school year with their class tutor or teacher. In the spring term, you can discuss your child’s progress with subject-specific teachers and their class teacher/tutor. During these meetings, you’ll have the chance to review your child’s books and files. We value your feedback and invite parents/carers to complete a questionnaire during these evenings.

Annual Reviews of Education Health Care Plans

  • As part of the EHCP (Education Health Care Plans) review process, you will receive a report two weeks before the review date. This report will provide an overview of your child’s progress and achievements towards their EHCP outcomes, including a Tutor’s comment.

End of Year Reports

  • At the end of each academic year, you will receive an End of Year report for your child, summarizing their achievements and progress.

Home-School Communication

  • Each pupil receives a new home-school diary/planner at the beginning of the academic year. We encourage parents to share news from home regarding their child, and our staff will provide information about your child’s progress at school. In addition, we use the Weduc App to communicate with parents. If you’d like access to the App, please contact us for more information.

Other Information

  • If you need paper copies or alternative formats of any documents on our website, please don’t hesitate to speak to our school office. We are committed to providing these free of charge. If you require further information about any of the items mentioned on this page, please contact the school, and we will do our best to assist you.
  • Please click on the link below to access the Parent/Carer Ofsted Inspection Letter.

Thank you for being a part of the Reach Secondary School community. Your partnership is essential in ensuring the success of your child’s educational journey.